Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How Bishop Oyedepo actually prayed for President Jonathan [Full Text]

On Sunday 25, 2015, the President Goodluck Ebere
Jonathan paid a visit to Winners’ Chapel, at Idiroko Road,
Ota in Ogun State.
According to the president, the visit was for him to worship
God with members of the Living Faith Church since he
happened to be in Lagos.
The visit has generated a lot of controversies following
rumours that pastor Oyedepo “vowed to open the gate of
hell on those who oppose” his re-election.
The church has however released the full text of sequence
of events during the visit.
Below is the full text:
“The presiding Bishop of the Church, David Oyedepo, who
welcomed President Jonathan to the pulpit with a hug,
asked members of his congregation to join him in praying
for the president, in obedience to a biblical injunction that
asks every Christian to pray for his leader. Taking a cue
from the book of 2 Timothy Chapter 2 verse 1 and 2, Papa,
as the bishop is fondly called, led the whole congregation
in an intense prayer session for President Jonathan. This
was during the 3rd service at Faith Tabernacle, the
headquarters of Winners’ Chapel, a 50,000-seater
auditorium reputed to be the largest in the world. FT News
and now brings you the full text of the prayers for the
“2Tim 2:1-2: I exhort you therefore, that first of all,
supplications, prayers and intercessions, and giving of
thanks, be made for all men.” Then on the priority list is
“For kings and for all that are in authority; that we may
lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
“I only had an idea of the president’s visit just yesterday. It
wasn’t there last Friday when we had the One Night with
The king. So we are going to pray for our president…the
generation of the Old Testament knew the value of
blessings; they would even cry for it. Every blessing
proclaimed upon you today must answer on your life.”
I like us to be on our feet and lift the president up to God.
Whatever you desire to see God bring about in his life;
bring about in our nation, begin to pray that prayer right
Now The Congregational Prayer Begins!
Father, release your grace upon the president to manage
the demands of his office. Release unusual grace in
increasing dimensions, to manage the demands of his
Cause your face to shine upon him. Lord, grant the desires
of his heart. Grant Nigeria peace. Under him, grant Nigeria
greater advancement. Thank you father, in Jesus’ name we
Then The Bishop Alone Prays For The President
“This entire church proclaims the president blessed today;
blessed with divine wisdom to manage the demands of his
office; blessed with keys to see the miraculous in his life;
blessed with grace that will advance His cause in our
Every time we pray here, God hears. The Bible says
“Wherever 2 or 3 are gathered, I’m there in their midst, and
if we agree concerning anything, it’s done for us.
Therefore, in the name of Jesus, our president is declared
blessed. His going out is blessed, his coming in is blessed.
The will of God is blessed in his life. Thank you father,
blessed be your name, in Jesus precious name.”

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