Thursday, January 29, 2015
Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Keys to Effective Communication in Marriage
So far, I have taught on the foundation of effective
communication and the keys of listening, talking and
understanding. There is no doubt, God has opened your
eyes to see something that will improve your
communication with your spouse and family members. You
shall not fail in Jesus’ name!
Today, we shall be looking at what I captioned, Corrupt
Communication! Evidently, there are factors to beware of,
that stand against the will to build effective communication
in marriage and home.
Choosing the right words is a must for couples and other
members of the family, if there must be a good relationship
between them. Corrupt communication is the opposite of
edifying communication. You can pass across the negative,
just as effectively as the positive. Any communication that
tears down, separates or pollutes the mind is said to be
This form of communication actually proceeds from the
mouth, but has its root in the heart. When all you think
about your spouse is negative and your focus is only on his
or her deficiencies, eventually all that will proceed out of
your mouth will be corrupt. God’s Word says: …For out of
the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh (Matthew
Below is a testimony of a sister, who God healed from
corrupt communication:
“Some time in 1990, my husband lost his job and from
then, our struggles started. Later, a sister in Christ gave me
some money to start a business. Since then, I began to
ignore the teachings of the Bishop and his wife on pride,
and no longer respected my husband. I insulted him
whenever he talked to me, because I was the one fending
for the family. He began to complain of the way I talked to
him, saying that there was no sign to show that I was born
again, that I was behaving like one of the worldly women.
Yesterday, I came for the International Women Convention,
and there was a miming presentation on the use of the
tongue. I learnt how to speak correctly to my husband, and
regretted the indecent way I had treated him in the past. On
reaching home, I knelt down to greet him and he was
surprised, because I had not done that before. There and
then, he believed that something good would come out of
the convention.
Formerly, whenever he wanted us to have our morning
prayers, I would shun him and tell him to say his own
prayers, that I would pray whenever it pleased me. But this
morning, I was the one that woke him and the children up
for prayers.” – Omotosho, O.
There are some homes that are badly damaged and in
serious trouble, because the tongue is not being controlled;
they are victims of corrupt communication. God’s Word
says: Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your
mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it
may minister grace unto the hearers (Ephesians 4:29).
Some men call their wives and children all kinds of terrible
names out of anger. Some women are full of nagging. I
want you to know that God did not create the tongue to
speak evil words; rather, it is meant to be an instrument of
edification. Sweet and bitter water cannot proceed from the
same source at the same time. So many people misuse the
tongue, simply because they lack an understanding of its
purpose. You have the responsibility to guard what you say
with your mouth.
Corrupt Communication has a lot of consequences, among
which are:
It Brings Strife (Proverbs 15:1). A wise man
once said, “Ninety per cent of the friction of daily
life is caused by the wrong tone of voice
It Destroys Destiny (Proverbs 13:3; Numbers
14:22-24). The 10 Spies destroyed their
destinies by the words of their mouth.
It Procures Death (Acts 5:1-10). This was the
case with Ananias and Sapphira. They lied with
their mouths and procured the wrath of God.
It Leads To Hell (Revelation 21:8). All liars shall
not only die physically here, but shall have a
part in the second death.
It Leads You And Others To Sin (Ecclesiastes
5:6, Genesis 3). By deceit, which is manifested
by words from the mouth, the serpent made man
to fall. It is a sin to make others commit error, by
the words of your mouth. The words of your
mouth matter to God. Guide it!
Note that successful communication equals successful
marriage. This is preceded by a life in Christ. Someone has
rightly said, “To live in sin is an old fashion.” Life in Christ
turns you to a new man, and helps you to live life without
stress. If you this is your wish, please say this prayer of
faith with me:
Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me
of my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. Deliver
me from sin and Satan, to serve the Living God. I accept
You as my Lord and Saviour. Now I know I am born again!
Congratulations! Till I come your way again next week, call
or write, and share your testimonies with me through:,
OR 07026385437, 08141320204
For more insight, these books authored by me are
available at the Dominion Bookstores in all the Living Faith
Churches and other leading Christian bookstores:
Marriage Covenant
Making Marriage Work
Building a Successful Family
The Effective Minister’s Wife and Success in
Marriage (Co-Authored).
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