EX-CHAMPION? – Sunday January 25th
Memorise: Afterward Jesus findeth him in the
temple, and said unto him, behold, thou art made
whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto
thee. John 5:14
Read: Joshua 7:1-5, Bible in one year: Jeremiah
5:6, Acts 14:19-15:11
Although it is an unpleasant experience to be a
defeated contender, becoming an ex-champion is a
much more grievous experience. When you are not
a champion, only a few people pay attention to you.
But by the time you become a champion, you will
be on the radar of many people, including your
enemies. A champion has more enemies to contend
with than an ordinary contender. I pray you will not
be an ex-champion in Jesus’ Name.
The story in our scripture reading is a sad one. The
people of God had just recorded victory over a great
city called Jericho, and they forged ahead to
occupy a small village called Ai. To their surprise
and consternation, they were beaten silly! Their
leader, Joshua, was downcast. But after making
enquiries from God, he discovered the cause of
their defeat. What great lessons we can draw from
this story! There is always a reason for every set-
back suffered by a child of God. Therefore, it is
expedient that periodic, self examination becomes a
lifestyle among children of God.
The Almighty had warned the children of Israel not
to take anything from Jericho as booty, but Achan
defied this instruction and stole part of the
accursed materials. Joshua did not know about
this. This singular act brought a lot of war
causalities to the Israelites and turned the whole
nation to ex-war champions. The nation remained
defeated until the accused thing was removed form
the congregation of the people of God, including the
culprit and his household. Beloved of God, I want to
encourage you to abstain from any form of
ungodliness because it is deadly (Romans 6:23).
After a man’s sins are forgiven, the next thing is for
the fellow to stop living in sin and to perform
restitution. In John 5:14, our Lord Jesus Christ told
the man He graciously healed to go and sin no
more so that a more terrible thing does not come
on him. In conclusion:
“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;
prove your own selves. Know ye not your own
selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye
be reprobates? 2 nd Corinthians 13:5
May the Lord be with your soul.
Prayer Point:
Holy Spirit, please help me to be vigilant in
maintaining my victory in Christ and help me not to
fall into any temptation.
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